Friday, June 25, 2010

On the "Doc Fix" - What were they thinking????

This is a classic example of how perverted the governing class has become. The original "Doc fix" as I understand was to save money in Medicare by a series of cuts to the reimbursement rates paid to Doctors. When passed it looked like the government was seriously trying to reduce the costs in the program. How they got this passed is a mystery when you consider the savings meant the doctors take the hit.
The perversion comes in when you look at how it has been managed ever since. Each year the congress has waived the "Doc fix' thus saving (to the rescue) the doctors but also negating the savings to the program.
In my view this is perversion They are using this issue like a control button to manage public sentiment. The CBO financial scoring for the recently passed "Obamacare" assumed the savings from the "Doc fix". That gave Congress the cover to stand up in front of us and say the bill would save money. The CBO had to use this assumption because it is the current law. Now, as we approach the midterm elections they let the the "Doc Fix" happen so that they can be seen as reducing spending. Every year they play the options based on political considerations. What's best for the country be damned.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Means testing for Social Security

Is receiving a payout from a government imposed "savings" plan "spending" by the government? That's how twisted the logic is with Congress.
Congress is under pressure to reduce the deficit but they don't want the spectre of "Tax increases" to tarnish there image so they must serve up spending cuts. Instead of reducing the size of government or cut back on passing new entitlements they come up with reducing your payout from a savings plan they forced you to pay into your ENTIRE working life.

A Faustian bargain

NY Times David Brooks - Clever analogy to Faust

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Superlatives abound!!!

The president's recent speech re the Gulf oil spill has a familiar ring to it. Note the superlative: “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge of the largest environmental cleanup effort in our nation’s history.”
Wasn't the financial crisis the "Greatest our nations history" and the Health Care bill the "Most sweeping reform since the New Deal". Sounds to me like he's trying to insure his position in the history books.
Just a Fox Thought.